Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Day at the Zoo

Before Dan and Deb came to spend the week, Don and I purchased each of them an e-talon for 20 bus or tram rides.  We thought we would probably use them while they were here.  Because we went out of town so much while they were here, we ended up not using them.  Consequently, with our own e-talons, Don and I have 40 bus/tram rides each that we can take.  We are trying to come up with ways to use them before we leave, yesterday we decided to take a trip to the zoo.

It's not a real big zoo, but it is definitely a nice way to spend the day.  It was a fairly pleasant day, but, as usual, it did rain a bit toward the end of our visit.  They have most of the animals that a typical zoo has, but they also have some that are unique to the area. (Although I can't say that with authority, because I haven't been to a zoo for a while.)  Below are some pictures of some of the animals that I found to be the most interesting.

One of the first sights we saw as we walked into the zoo was this group of flamingos.  As you can see, there were a bunch of them.  I had never seen the darker colored type before.  I asked Don if he had, and he said the only ones he had ever seen were pink and in people's yards.

Zoos always have peacocks, and this one was no exception.  We were able to catch two of the males chasing the females around with their feathers up and out.  Unfortunately, neither one of them were able to get any of the ladies interested.  We got a picture of one of them from the front and another one of them from the back.

There were a lot of owls on display.  We were able to get several good pictures.  Here are a couple of them.

Monkeys are always in abundance in most zoos, but this one didn't have that many different types.  I caught this picture while the baby monkey was nursing.

Here is a strange looking bird. It's called a secretary bird.  It looks kind of like a stork.

I was looking up the name of it on the internet, and I found this next picture.  I imagine this is how the secretary bird looks when the boss asks here to do something stupid.

The zoo had two hippopotamuses.  One was in the water, and the other one was standing on some cement.  They certainly are huge animals.  I don't know how their small legs support them.  Right as we walked away, they let out a bellow, and the one in the water snorted.  Unfortunately, they would never do it while I was near.  I had to include these pictures for my daughter, Deb.  She loves hippos.

This next bird is called a double-wattled cassowary.  I guess it's related to the emu.  As you probably guessed, it was two wattles.  The thing at the top is made of bone.  They grow them as adults, but no one knows the purpose of them.  They do make rather a stylish hat, don't they?

I can't remember whether this guy was a crocodile or an alligator, but I know that crocs have skinnier snouts, so I'm assuming that it was a croc.  Its skinny snout is rather strange looking.

Here are a couple of pictures of a camel.  I always thought that camel humps stood up straight and tall. As you can tell by the second picture, though, the humps on this camel are leaning quite a bit.  I don't know if that's normal or not.

Giraffes are found in most zoos, and this one had at least four of them.  I love to watch the giraffes walk.  I think they look so stately and elegant when they walk.  I've seen them run on TV, and they look absolutely magnificent when they run.  Here are a couple of them having dinner.

What zoo would be complete without a tiger?  We were able to get a great picture of this one.  Usually they are off somewhere asleep where you can't see them.  This one was out and about, walking around for all of us to see.

We took lots more pictures than these, but I decided to share just a few with you.  My camera batteries pooped out on us towards the end of our visit, and while I was able to find some at a shop, they were evidently not very good, because the camera kept turning off.

Tonight we get to go and celebrate the July 4th holiday at the American Embassy.  Woo hoo!  The ambassador and his wife, Mark and Maria Pekala, are hosting a picnic at the embassy, and we were actually the first to turn in our reservations.  (Gee, I wonder if we will get special treatment?)  It only lasts for a couple of hours, and we are supposed to dress casually.  It's pretty restrictive -- no cameras, no cell phones, no drinks, no umbrellas, and no bags are allowed.  I was hoping to get some pictures, but I guess I won't be able to.  Here are a couple I pulled off of the internet.  The first one is of Ambassador Pekala and the second one is of the American Embassy.

Saturday morning we leave and go to Tallinn for the Estonian Song Festival.  I am really excited about going, but I'm also dreading fighting the crowd.  I can't imagine what it will be like to ride the bus out to the festival grounds.  (I had better take my anxiety pills just in case.)  Our hotel isn't in Tallinn, but in a small town not far away.  We will take a bus from the hotel into the Tallinn bus station and then hop on another bus to go to the festival grounds.  The weather for the next two weeks is supposed to be awesome -- in the 80s with no rain in sight.  I am really looking forward to not having to take my umbrella everywhere.

Well, I need to sign off.  We're off to the Embassy.  I feel so special!

Until next time.

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